
Se afișează postări din martie, 2011


1. Yourself? Hold. 2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? It's complicated. 3. Your hair? Chestnut 4. Your mother? Cruella. :D 5. Your father? My love! 6. Your favorite item? Toothbrush 7. Your dream last night? Real. 8. Your favorite drink? Frappe 9. Your dream car? Jaguar XF 10. The room you’re in? Cell 11. Your ex? Far away 12. Your fear? Water 13. Where do you want to be in 10 years? Scotland 14. Who you hung out with last night? With my self. 15. What You’re Not? Perfect women. 16. Muffins? Choco :x 17. One of Your Wish List Items? Diamond :x 18. Time? 23:51 19. The Last Thing You Did? Crying 20. What You Are Wearing? - 21. Your Favorite Weather? Rain :X:X 22. Your Favorite Book? Despartiri. 23. The Last Thing You Ate? Raffaello. 24. Your pets? Not. 25. A hobby? Sleepingggg 26. Your body? NOk. 27. What are you thinking about right now? On a bridge. 28. Your car? Not yet 29. What are you doing at the moment? Thinking. 30. Your summer? Unforgetable 31. Somet...

Am invatat ca.

- Sunt ceea ce vreau sa fiu. - Nu pot fi ceea ce vor altii sa fiu. - Nu exista dezamagire mai mare pe lume decat aceea de a fi uitat. - Cea mai buna arma este indiferenta. - Ochii care nu se vad Nu se uita. - Inimile care bat, nu bat pentru totdeauna. - Nu exista Dragoste mai mare decat cea pe care o oferim, nu cea pe care o primim. - Toate au un sfarsit.